Dive into the Extraordinary World of Jake Jetpulse Today!

Dive into the Extraordinary World of Jake Jetpulse Today!

What makes the characters in "The Adventures of Jake Jetpulse™ "so interesting? Unlike typical books for kids about autism, Jetpulse Studios focuses on the three hallmarks of autism — deficits in social communication, adherence to routines, and difficulty with reading others — and divides them into the three main characters.

​This is a story that neurotypical, or non-autistic, children can read over and over. This approach to the characters can open new doors through which they could tell stories using relatable scenarios that are common to individuals on the autism spectrum.

There are many autism books for kids But few are like “The Adventures of Jake Jetpulse”. Jake Jetpulse is a comic book universe that was created by a young boy with autism. When comic book illustrator Led Bradshaw’s son Jake was diagnosed with autism, Led jumped into action and created a one-of-a-kind superhero experience for his son to help pull him into learning. By embracing his son’s unique interests, Led turned him into an autism superhero.

​Led created a series of workbooks filled with learning drills, fun sensory activities, math drills, and reading comprehension mini-comics—each book is tailored for kids from K to 2nd grade. Shop today and see for yourself!