Empowering Autism Awareness Through Comics & Adventure

Empowering Autism Awareness Through Comics & Adventure

A father learns about autism and immediately flies into action, just like a superhero—and builds an educational comic book universe for his son! That's the story behind Jake Jetpulse and all of our adventures. 

The comic book series is written by Jake, Led's 12-year-old son, who is also on the autism spectrum. Jake Jetpulse features dynamic artwork, compelling storylines, and inspiring characters. This comic book series is an empowering and enjoyable way to celebrate autism. This extraordinary adventure features diverse characters and showcases the challenges and strengths of an autistic character while also highlighting themes of acceptance, identity, and self-love. This series resonates with a wide audience and positively impacts those with autism and those looking to learn more about it.

The heroes, villains, and monsters that exist in this epic superhero adventure came from Jake's imagination. The two work together as a team, creating new stories and unique characters for the world to enjoy. The adventures of Jake Jetpulse are more than a comic book that teaches kids about autism. It is a father's lesson of friendship, acceptance, equality, and selflessness.

Unleash your child's inner superhero with fun worksheets, coloring pages, and games!